Audio Visual Links in Courtrooms, Jack Dorsey & the Growth of ALSPs - Priori

Priori Digest 46th Edition | Audio Visual Links in Courtrooms, Jack Dorsey & the Growth of ALSPs

By Oliver Duchesne
| Priori Digest

In this edition of the Priori Digest, a weekly look at what’s happening in law and technology, we look at the explosive growth in the use of Alternative Legal Service Providers by corporations and large law firms, how adopting ‘tech tools’ was the number one priority for a majority of in-house counsel in a recent survey and which areas of the U.S. look most likely to suffer job losses as a result of the next wave of automation. To get the digest straight to your inbox, sign up here. Enjoy! 


  • A new comprehensive study shows the rapid and disruptive growth of Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSP). Some highlights:
    • ALSPs make up a $10.7 billion market for legal services, compared with $8.4 billion as found in the previous survey two years ago
    • 74 percent of corporations surveyed are now using ALSPs in at least one service category, compared with 60 percent in the survey two years ago
    • Nine in ten large law firms are now using ALSPs
  • In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the use of Audio Visual Links (AVLs) between prisons and courtrooms. Here is an interesting discussion on the practical and legal issues involved with such a technological advancement
  • Assistant GC of Microsoft, Jason Barnwell, on how an expert legal technician becomes a big-picture strategic advisor to clients. In April, we had the pleasure of interviewing Jason on how his legal team at Microsoft is delivering increased value


Legal trivia 

  • Which state senate in the U.S. once unanimously approved all psychiatric professionals dress as wizards when presenting expert evidence in court? Find out here

Legal & tech cartoons

By the numbers

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